Vaccine Tracking for Colleges

Magnus Health
June 30, 2021
2 Minute Read

Vaccine Tracking for Colleges

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way colleges operate now and into the foreseeable future. But after a year of online classes, there finally seems to be a way to safely welcome students back to campus for in-person learning. Many students and professors are excited to resume life on campus; however, this poses new challenges for colleges that want to keep students and faculty healthy.

For the upcoming school year, many colleges are requiring students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine before returning to campus. With situations like this constantly changing, how can colleges keep accurate records of which students have received the vaccine and those who have not?

The answer is a college vaccine tracker.

How a College Vaccine Tracker Works
The best way for colleges to keep track of thousands of student vaccination records is online. The Magnus Immunization Tracker provides full immunization compliance capabilities for faculty, staff, and students at college by digitally tracking requirements, exemptions, and waivers.

The best part about this solution is that everything is digital. Magnus Health tracks COVID-19 vaccinations, and other immunizations colleges require along with information regarding the dosage, date, and vaccine manufacturer, all on one streamlined, user-friendly platform.

However, the college vaccine tracker from Magnus Health is so much more than just an immunization base. Along with quickly accessing the complete vaccination history for each student, the platform also allows colleges to set upcoming deadlines for vaccination records and send automated email reminders to students, parents, and faculty.

A college vaccine tracker is a non-intrusive, efficient way for colleges to remain informed about who is vaccinated and who is not. This information is essential for proper compliance reporting when it’s required.

Symptom Tracking for Colleges
Vaccines are only one-half of the equation for keeping students and faculty healthy on a college campus. Colleges committed to preventing the spread of COVID-19 on campus should also consider utilizing a COVID symptom tracker. The Magnus Symptom Assessment Tool is an excellent complement to a vaccine tracker for your return to campus plan.

This solution allows colleges to screen their students and faculty before coming back to campus or attending classes for the day. The quick and easy assessment can be taken on a smartphone and immediately alerts students and faculty about whether they should attend classes that day. A symptom tracker can help stop the spread of germs before they can start and assist with contact tracing efforts.

Helping Colleges Open Safely
Vaccine tracking for colleges is a financially savvy, efficient, and easy way to keep students, faculty, and staff on campus healthy, all while preventing the spread of COVID-19 in dorms and classrooms. Though in many cases, colleges can choose what reopening their campus looks like, these tools can give everyone the peace of mind that they are learning and socializing in a safe environment

Contact the team at Magnus Health today to learn more about how vaccine and symptom tracking can help colleges collect and organize student health information.