Enjoy the holidays with active family timeLeading up to the holidays, it’s easy to find yourself getting more and more relaxed. Homework, work, extra responsibilities, and even self-care fall to the wayside, and all the eggnog, sugar cookies, and lack of sleep add up, making you feel sluggish and championed by the season. But as the weather gets colder and another year approaches, this is the time when it’s most important to look after your health. Why? Because setting the stage with healthy habits now, during the most demanding season, means next year is sure to be a success.

That’s why, starting in January, I’ll be writing a series of Health Tool Kits to help everyone –teachers, nurses, students, and parents – ease into a new year. These kits will have tips for living and feeling well, and developing a healthy school atmosphere. We’re not going to call them New Year’s resolutions, though, mostly because 88% of all New Year’s resolutions fail (let’s be honest, we’ve all been a part of that statistic), but also because we approach things a little differently here at Magnus. We believe improving is a part of every single day, and we want to share that philosophy. One of our conference rooms is even named “improve” – that’s how serious we are about it.
