Social media is full of lessons for eager learners. I’ve learned a number of things recently:

  1. There are a lot of babies and puppies in the world.
  2. The NBA championship is a hot topic.
  3. (Some) people really enjoy sharing private details of their day, work, children, clothing, pets, food, politics, religion, and illnesses…among other things.Permissions

Ironic isn’t it? Those same people who metaphorically (occasionally literally) air, wave, display, and prance about in their dirty laundry, on the internet no less, still value privacy. That’s because we all do, and regardless of our differing opinions on oversharing, we can agree that our private information should remain private.

Bank accounts, Internet networks, social media, credit cards, etc. No sane person walks around giving others their account information at random. That holds true with medical information too, although it can be tricky. You’re not likely going to need to share your Internet network account information to save your own life, but you very well may need to give access to health information in an emergency. Or immunizations and a health history may need to be submitted to schools for enrollment or travel.

That’s where we come in. We care about our users, including the privacy and security of their health information, as well as accessibility to it when needed. School staff, healthcare providers, emergency responders, and emergency room staff (to name a few) may need visibility of student health information at some point in time, and we created permissions to navigate that tricky terrain.

Permissions allow Magnus users to dictate the level of access others have to private information, significantly reducing the risk of information falling into the wrong hands. In a school setting, permissions work a number of ways. Permission to student information is controlled by the school administrator, who grants nurses, coaches, counselors, and other faculty varying levels of visibility. Read, write, and access permissions make this possible.

  • Read: Provides the ability to read the information. This level of permission might be granted to a teacher, or other staff member outside of the health department.
  • Write: Provides the ability to read and edit information. This level of permission might be granted to a nurse or athletic trainer, who can add chart notes or injury reports to a student’s file.
  • Access: Provides the ability print, share, and communicate information. This permission level allows nurses or trainers to share sensitive information with approved providers outside of the school setting.

Permissions are customized by the school administrator for each user, and can be changed at any time, ensuring health information is communicated securely and effectively. Our goal is to protect you, and your students. Part of that protection is safeguarding the information, and the other part is delivering it when needed most. With SMR you can do both. And with Magnus Mobile, you can enjoy all the same permission benefits from your iOS device.