Why make things more difficult than necessary? There’s no point in that, and it only wastes time and money, both of which I value quite a bit. That’s why I mandated the development of one of our most efficent student health form capabilities yet. Actually, that part is a lie – I didn’t mandate anything. Yet.
But, the rest of that is real, and it’s going to make the lives of school nurses and health staff much more pleasant. So, without even further ado, let’s get to the good stuff…
Electronically Signed Documents. I don’t mean digital authorization. This isn’t hypothetical. It isn’t a dream. This is real.
Literally, a student’s form never has to be printed in order to be signed. Schools can elect to use Electronically Signed Documents, and transition many of their forms – consent to treat, field trip permission slips, OTC medications, and more – thereby eliminating the need for parents to ever print a form. The school can determine exactly what the form says, and the parent/guardian needs merely to type their name in the document and submit it (after reading it thoroughly of course).