Action Plans: Are you ready?

Magnus Health
April 24, 2012
1 Minute Read

Action Plans: Are you ready?

We hope we know what to do in an emergency, but do we really?  When we come face to face with a student unable to breathe, having a seizure, or throat closing due to a food allergy, we should immediately spring to action instead of panic.  We should know immediately what steps to take to help the student, and save their life in some cases.  This is why action plans are critical in school environments, and it is important that everyone know how to respond, not just the school nurse.  Action plans detail response procedures, ensuring that students receive immediate and appropriate care, thereby protecting the student and the school.

The four most common action plans are Asthma, Food Allergy, Seizure, and Diabetes, but depending on your students’ conditions, you may need to prepare additional plans as well. Keep in mind that these are samples from national organizations.  It is up to your school to work with students, parents, and doctors to find the action plans that fit your students’ needs, and ensure that faculty and staff are aware and prepared to respond.

Asthma Action Plan (Courtesy of American Lung Association)
Food Allergy Action Plan (Courtesy of Food Allergy Research & Education – FARE)
Seizure Action Plan (Courtesy of Epilepsy Foundation)
Diabetes Action Plan (Courtesy of National Diabetes Education Program)