Upcoming TABS Risk Management Presentation
Magnus Health CEO, Chas Scarantino, is speaking at the upcoming TABS Risk Management Conference, Friday June 22, 2012. Chas is co-presenting with Jessica Sepke of Saint Mary’s School on the topic of Sensitive Data: Secure Transmission and Storage. Keep reading for a teaser of the presentation…
Sensitive Data: Secure Transmission and Storage
Data encryption, user permissions, and document tracking are not possible in a paper environment, leaving your school open to risk. In a technological environment, your school can eliminate that risk, even as secure data pours into your school. This presentation will focus on sensitive health information and how it must be managed within the confines of a secure technological environment for both daily and long term access. Chas Scarantino, CEO of Magnus Health, and Jessica Sepke, Director of Technology and Communications at Saint Mary’s School, will explore the secure transmission and storage of data through the use of a HIPAA- and FERPA-compliant web-based technology, integrated systems, and secure communications.