Delivering health info in emergencies: Campus attacks

Magnus Health
May 29, 2013
2 Minute Read

Delivering health info in emergencies: Campus attacks

On campus violence is one of the biggest concerns for schools today. In fact, many schools have an action plan in place if attack were to occur–and recent events have certainly spurred districts to update or refresh their plans.

One worry, however, is that action plans are only focusing on the immediate needs of an emergency situation, and are not preparing to treat those who may be injured following a violent act. Questions to keep in mind when planning include:

  • Do we know if emergency student health information is accessible?
  • Can the hospital view vital information like medications, allergies, and conditions?
  • Are parents and emergency contacts abreast of the situation and where the child is being taken?

During an emergency situation, Magnus911 electronically delivers the student’s health information to the point of care, ensuring the best possible treatment is available to students when they absolutely need it most. For instance, emergency responders and staff already know health essentials and can properly assist to the patient, even without the student’s parents or guardians present. Healthcare providers also have the benefit of a health history, and with more knowledge, are able to treat the student more effectively.

With the PowerSchool, Magnus Health SMR integration, schools using both PowerSchool and SMR can take advantage of Magnus911. The new integration means vital health information is available in the most secure, efficient, and easily accessible manner.Magnus911

How Magnus911 works: Magnus911 is web-based and accessible from any device with an Internet connection. The system protects information by automatically assigning a unique 16-digit identifier to each student, and in an emergency, first responders and ER staff can securely access vital health and emergency contact information for a period of 24 hours. From within Magnus911, you can also fax the vital health information to a hospital while the student is in transit, and send alerts and updates to emergency contacts.

This is the first in a four part series, focusing on the Magnus Health, Pearson integration, and delivering health information in emergencies.