Breaking news: New access to emergency data on Magnus Mobile app
It is with great pleasure that I present to you two things.
1. Magnus Mobile app updates
2. Magnus News
Both are explained in the video below. But in case you don’t have 3 minutes and 15 seconds to watch the whole video, skip on ahead and read the somewhat less entertaining recaps.
1. Magnus Mobile app updates
New sections have been added to the Mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. New sections include emergency documents, health history, clinic alerts, OTC medications, healthcare providers, insurance, and additional information. For Android users, you will need to download the new app. For iOS users, if you have automatic updates enabled, then you already have the new and improved app at your fingertips. If you don’t have automatic updates enabled, just take a trip on over to the app store and download the update. Easy peasy.
2. Magnus News
Prepare yourself for regular installments from this dynamic duo. Booker Welles and Alicia Arangio plan to bring you informative and entertaining information on Magnus updates as frequently as humanly possible. Want to star in an episode yourself? Let me know, and I will go to great lengths to make it happen.