Manage all of your student health needs
in one place
Go paperless, improve compliance, and save time with the leading digital student health records solution.
The ultimate solution for
managing student health
Save time and money
Manage student-athlete injuries
Seamless integration
Be ready 24/7
Comprehensive support for staff and families
Save time and money
Save hours of administrative time, eliminate manual entry errors, and keep student information safe and secure by going paperless.
- Automated reminders keep parents up-to-date on approaching deadlines
- Create and track custom student forms on one central, secure platform
- Document treatment notes in our secure,
cloud-based platform for quicker reference - Manage immunization compliance in real time
- Quickly create compliance reports for state audits

Manage student-athlete injuries
Trainers and coaches always have access to the latest updates on athlete health. Create and manage treatment notes, athletic reports, and more from anywhere with Magnus Health.
- Identify and manage concussions with a full battery of advanced concussion assessment tools
- View a complete snapshot of athlete health from the Athletic Trainer Dashboard
- Quickly notify school health staff to inform them of any injuries and treatment plans

Seamless integration
Magnus Health integrates with all major Student Information Systems and other key school solutions. Student and parent information automatically syncs to keep records up-to-date.
- Native integrations and our robust API pulls in all necessary student information from your SIS
- Sync immunization records directly from state immunization registries

Be ready 24/7
Authorized staff can quickly access vital health information on our secure mobile app in case of an emergency in the classroom, on a field trip, or during a sporting event.
- Notify emergency contacts with the click of a button from the mobile app
- Securely release student health information to hospitals and emergency medical providers with Magnus911
- Access critical information like allergies and action plans for off-campus emergencies

Comprehensive support for staff andfamilies
Our Client Services team provides responsive technical support to end users like staff and parents, so your IT team doesn’t have to.
- Easy implementation: Our Implementation team works with your school’s end users to implement Magnus Health and establish software integrations
- Technical support: Our Client Services team is available via email or phone to assist your staff with daily support and answer questions
- Help Desk assists parents and students with form submission and account troubleshooting via phone and email