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Magnus Health is the most trusted student health record solution for independent schools and higher education institutions. Request a demo to learn how you can manage student health more safely, securely and efficiently with Magnus Health.


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Create More Time for Student Care

With access to student records whether in the office or on the go, Magnus Health allows you to transform your health office workflow and spend more time focusing on student care.

All-In-One Student Health Management

Compliance Reporting

Medication Administration

Treatment Notes

Make your health office more efficient

With Magnus Health, you’ll spend less time communicating health information across departments and collecting pesky paper forms. With one student health record that integrates with your school’s SIS, you can feel confident that your information is always up to date.

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Why will your school love Magnus Health?

"The Magnus system is always improving…It has streamlined the process and enables me to access from anywhere there is internet."
School Nurse
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Waring School, Beverly, MA