Mobile Emergency Access at your School: Why It’s So Important
Have you ever been in a situation where a student gets injured at a school function and you realize that you don’t have their vital health information readily available? On average, schools report 9 emergencies a year making it increasingly important to have mobile access to student health data while on and off campus. The most effective way to ensure that an injured or sick child receives the best care possible is by providing authorized staff mobile access to student health records. When minutes matter, a mobile emergency app gives you and emergency responders immediate access to vital health information.
Send Vital Health Information to Hospitals
An Electronic Health Record (EHR) mobile app allows school staff to send the entire student’s health history to the local hospital in the event of a medical emergency. Picture this… You’re chaperoning a school function and a student starts having an allergic reaction, but doesn’t have an epipen on hand. There is no time to wait for parents to arrive so you have to rush the student to the hospital. The last thing you want to do is to hold up emergency care because you or the child can’t answer the health history questions. The best solution would be to send the hospital vital health information that has been entered by parents into the student’s account using your mobile device. By receiving this medical history ahead of the student’s arrival, the emergency personnel can quickly get an idea of the treatment plan they need to put into place.
Automatically Notify Emergency Contacts
When staff has access to the EHR mobile app, with a click of a button on any mobile device, they can notify parents and guardians instantly of an emergency situation. This not only keeps them up to date on what is happening with their child, but it also helps the school maintain an open line of communication with the parents.
Give Access to Emergency Personnel
In order for emergency personnel to provide efficient care, they need to know the details of a student’s health history. This includes any allergies they might have, what medications they take, and other life saving information. If you are an Athletic Trainer in charge of keeping 75 kids safe, it can be difficult to remember who got hurt last week, who needs ice wraps at the end of practice, and who got a concussion last week. With an EHR mobile app, you can easily track treatment and injury notes as they happen, then readily provide this information to emergency responders as needed.
Teachers and Chaperones Get Instant Access
An EHR systems allows admins to apply permission roles for those caring for students on and off campus so that they have immediate access to vital student health information. This is a huge factor in being emergency prepared at your school. Gone are the days of heavy health report binders and compliance risks. Using a mobile app not only eliminates the paper shuffling, but also the risk of confidential information falling into the wrong hands. Now, when you’re on a field trip with half the 8th grade class, you can feel safe knowing that the right people have the necessary information in the event that Becky forgets her inhaler.
Nurses and Coaches Can Easily Communicate
With an EHR mobile app, nurses and coaches are able to seamlessly share treatment notes, injury reports, and action plans with each other. One of the toughest obstacles for school health and athletic departments is communicating health related information across departments efficiently and confidentially. If a student athlete gets injured at a game and is diagnosed with a concussion, the coach has to notify the school nurse to monitor this athlete over the coming weeks for signs of further trauma. The nurse then needs to keep the coach up to date on the progress of the student’s recovery, and when they are released to start playing again. If all of this information is communicated verbally or over email, important details can get lost. Having access to an EHR mobile app, allows nurses and coaches to run eligibility and treatment note smart lists.
Click here to learn how schools who utilize the Magnus mobile app are emergency prepared on and off the field!