Technological Advancements Help School Nurses Provide Better Care

Magnus Health
June 28, 2019
0 Minute Read

Technological Advancements Help School Nurses Provide Better Care

nurse_folder and laptopSchool nurses play a crucial role in children’s health. They give preventative, educational, and emergency aid for students. With the many services school nurses provide daily, more and more nurses are looking to technological advancements to help manage their daily tasks and to enhance student health.

A recent study found that the majority of health center staff uses desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices to complete daily tasks, and only 1.2% complete daily tasks and document student visits on paper. Electronic Student Health Record (SHR) software solutions are helping nurses facilitate administrative and clinical tasks, all with the push of a button.

Technology advancements are a huge help when it comes to reviewing student health forms, and immunization tracking and compliance. These online solutions offer many helpful features such as Smart Lists and automated email reminders that allow users to sort students by grade and sports, making it easy to view incomplete forms. Report building is another great feature that school nurses are taking advantage of. These SHR solutions make it easy to create customized reports that give nurses a peace of mind knowing they are up to date with the local and state immunization compliance.

Aside from reducing the time spent on administrative tasks, digital technology is improving the overall treatment and care of students in K-12 schools. Electronic SHR software gives school nurses the opportunity to access vital student health information easily and efficiently in the event of an emergency.  With access to medication and treatment notes, nurses can stay up to date on student injuries while effortlessly communicating with other departments such as athletics.

SHR solutions are making it possible for school nurses to spend less time filling out paperwork and more time providing better student care. Overall, technology is meant to make life more convenient, and it’s having a massive impact on how school nurses do their jobs. With the implementation of SHRs such as Magnus Health, school health staff can take advantage of the technological advancements to provide better care for the students! 

To learn why more than 650 schools nationwide have already partnered with Magnus Health, please check out the features of our SHR solution or request a brief Live Demo!