All of your student health information in one place

Eliminate paper records. Instantly update and access critical health information. Magnus Health is the easiest way to securely manage student health information.

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Join the 1000+ schools managing student health more safely, easily and efficiently with Magnus Health.

Access critical health information instantly, from anywhere.

Having continuous access to accurate, reliable student health information is a must for education professionals. With Magnus Health, all of that information is stored in one place, accessible 24/7 from our easy-to-use, secure cloud-based platform. So authorized users like teachers, administrators, coaches and nurses can find what they need, when they need it.

Digital form submission

Parents can easily submit forms online via desktop or mobile app. Automated email reminders for upcoming deadlines ensure higher compliance.

Immunization & treatment tracking

Nurses can manage medications, track immunizations and add treatment notes with every visit. Student records stay up-to-date and nurses can provide better care.

Seamless integration

Magnus Health integrates with every major student information system (SIS), as well as state immunization registries. Automatic syncing keeps information up-to-date at all times.

Airtight security

Fully encrypted. HIPAA and FERPA compliant. And permissions are super easy to manage on a user-by-user basis.

White glove support

Our dedicated support team is here to assist staff and families with any issues. We provide expert tech support so you don’t have to.

"The Magnus system is always improving…It has streamlined the process and enables me to access from anywhere there is internet."
School Nurse
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Waring School, Beverly, MA

How much are your paper records costing you?

See how much your school is actually spending without a solution like Magnus Health.

    With Magnus Health, managing student health records is easy for your entire school

    Lose the paperwork. Gain peace of mind with student health information at your fingertips.

    Nurses love
    Magnus Health

    Access critical information from anywhere

    Student records stay updated

    Control who sees what

    Keep your students’ health information secure

    Manage student-athlete health

    Nurses love
    Magnus Health

    Online form submission, digital records management and automatic syncing with state immunization registries significantly cut down on admin time. Parents receive automated email reminders for missing information.

    Learn More

    We're here to help.

    Staff and families can visit our extensive online support library to find instant answers to the most common questions. Our dedicated support team is just a message away for everything else. We’re here to help make using Magnus Health the easiest part of your day.

    Eliminate paper records
    Manage immunization records & due dates
    Automate email reminders for parents to update and upload info
    Lean on Magnus Health RNs to help manage compliance
    Easy-to-manage permissions for all school staff
    HIPAA & FERPA compliant
    End-to-end encryption for airtight security
    Integrates with all major SIS providers (including Blackbaud and Veracross)
    Form uploads and accessibility via desktop or Magnus Health mobile app
    Easy-to-use platform for families with dedicated support from the Magnus Health team
    Reduce errors from manual data entry
    Keep records up-to-date with every medical visit

    Magnus Health makes everyone’s job easier

    Magnus Health is the most complete, secure and easy-to-use solution for managing student health records.

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