How Does Vaccine Tracking Work For Private Schools?
After over a year of school closures, hybrid learning, and online classes due to COVID-19, there finally seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for students and teachers to return to the classroom. But as exciting as this next phase is, it also brings up new challenges for private schools.
Private schools need to stay compliant with the back-to-school phases dictated by their state. Not only does this help the campus stay open, but it also keeps students, teachers, and communities safe. One way to mitigate the spread at school is vaccine tracking.
Let’s take a closer look at how a private school vaccine tracker works with Magnus Health.
How Immunization Trackers Work
Before heading back to the classroom, private schools need to have a mitigation plan in place (along with a screening and testing strategy). The plan should begin by understanding if students have the required immunizations. The Magnus Immunization Tracker offers streamlined tracking of COVID-19 vaccines and more in a comprehensive module that includes the dosage, date, and manufacturer of the vaccine.
The Magnus Immunization Tracker enables private schools to know who’s vaccinated, set deadlines, send automated parent email reminders, and keep track of exemptions and waivers. The Magnus solution provides full immunization compliance capabilities for faculty, staff, and students in an ever-changing situation.
What About Symptomatic Students?
Of course, vaccines are only part of the solution to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school. Another way to help keep everyone healthy is a COVID symptom tracker. The Magnus Symptom Assessment Tool is a way for private schools to screen their students, faculty, and staff prior to school.
After the quick and easy assessment, parents will receive an immediate response as to whether their student should attend school that day. COVID symptom tracking can stop the spread of germs from the start and aid in important contact tracing efforts.
Providing Peace of Mind to Parents and Staff
Vaccine tracking for private schools is an efficient, cost-effective, and overall easy way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the classroom. While the reopening of facilities will look different everywhere, this is one step private schools can make to give parents, faculty, and students the peace of mind they are learning in a safe environment.
It seems that face-to-face school attendance will soon return to a new normal, but the heightened focus on health and hygiene will likely remain for the upcoming school year and beyond. Magnus Health’s vaccine tracker and COVID symptoms tracker can help private schools stay compliant during these times and moving forward since immunization records and other forms will always be necessary.
Contact us to learn more about how Magnus Health can help schools digitally collect all types of student health and medical information, from immunizations and allergens to consent forms and permission slips.